custom crochet hooks 3d models

1170931 3d models found related to custom crochet hooks.
My Customized Crochet Hook (Remix)
My Customized Crochet Hook (Remix)

Customized version of Created with Customizer! ...

Customized Parametric crochet hook
Customized Parametric crochet hook

Customized version of Created with Customizer! ...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: length = 130 diameter = 6 grip_length = 0 throat_angle = 9 grip_thickness = 0.6 grip_slope = 0 narrowing_length = 10 hook_length = 3...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_length = 20 diameter = 8 length_above_grip = 60 throat_angle = 10 length = 155 narrowing_slope = 20 grip_slope = 5 grip_thickness = 0.6...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_thickness = 0.6 narrowing_length = 10 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 hook_length = 5 narrowing_slope = 20 diameter = 12 length_above_grip = 60...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: throat_angle = 10 narrowing_length = 10 length_above_grip = 60 diameter = 4 length = 128 grip_slope = 5 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 grip_length = 20...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_thickness = 0.6 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 narrowing_slope = 20 grip_slope = 4 hook_length = 5 grip_length = 30 diameter = 10 length = 99...

6mm Customized Parametric crochet hook
6mm Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: narrowing_length = 10 grip_length = 20 length = 100 length_above_grip = 40 narrowing_slope = 20 diameter = 6 grip_thickness = 0.6 grip_slope = 5...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: hook_length = 5 grip_thickness = 0.7 narrowing_length = 10 narrowing_slope = 20 throat_angle = 10 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 diameter = 6 grip_length...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: length_above_grip = 60 throat_angle = 10 diameter = 25 grip_thickness = 0.6 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 narrowing_slope = 20 narrowing_length = 10...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: throat_angle = 10 narrowing_length = 10 narrowing_slope = 20 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 hook_length = 5 length_above_grip = 60 grip_thickness = 0.6...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_slope = 5 grip_thickness = 0.6 narrowing_length = 10 hook_length = 5 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 grip_length = 20 length = 150 narrowing_slope =...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_slope = 5 narrowing_length = 10 narrowing_slope = 20 throat_angle = 10 grip_length = 20 length_above_grip = 60 narrowing_ratio = 0.16...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_slope = 0 length = 150 hook_length = 5 grip_length = 0 grip_thickness = 0 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 diameter = 5 length_above_grip = 0...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: throat_angle = 15 narrowing_slope = 20 hook_length = 5 length = 150 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 narrowing_length = 10 grip_thickness = .6 grip_length =...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_length = 20 narrowing_length = 10 length_above_grip = 60 length = 150 narrowing_slope = 20 diameter = 6 grip_thickness = 0.6 grip_slope = 5...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_slope = 5 hook_length = 6 throat_angle = 10 length = 178 diameter = 6 narrowing_length = 10 grip_thickness = 0.6 narrowing_slope = 20...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_thickness = 0.6 diameter = 3.75 length = 150 grip_slope = 5 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 throat_angle = 10 hook_length = 5 narrowing_slope = 20...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_length = 20 grip_thickness = 0.6 grip_slope = 5 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 diameter = 4 hook_length = 5 narrowing_slope = 20 narrowing_length =...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: hook_length = 3 grip_slope = 5 narrowing_length = 10 grip_length = 20 diameter = 3 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 length = 150 narrowing_slope = 20...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_thickness = 0.6 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 narrowing_length = 10 narrowing_slope = 20 hook_length = 5 diameter = 4 length_above_grip = 60...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: hook_length = 5 narrowing_slope = 20 grip_thickness = 0.6 grip_length = 20 length = 104 diameter = 6 throat_angle = 10 narrowing_length = 10...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_slope = 5 grip_thickness = 0.6 hook_length = 15 grip_length = 60 length = 257 narrowing_slope = 20 narrowing_length = 40 narrowing_ratio =...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: length = 142 grip_slope = 5 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 grip_thickness = 0.6 narrowing_length = 10 hook_length = 5 grip_length = 20 diameter = 3...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_thickness = 0.6 length_above_grip = 60 diameter = 6 grip_slope = 5 throat_angle = 10 length = 150 grip_length = 20 narrowing_ratio = 0.16...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: diameter = 6 narrowing_length = 10 length_above_grip = 60 hook_length = 5 throat_angle = 10 narrowing_slope = 20 grip_thickness = 0.6 length = 90...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: diameter = 6 length = 150 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 narrowing_length = 10 length_above_grip = 60 throat_angle = 10 grip_thickness = 0.6 grip_length =...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: grip_length = 20 narrowing_slope = 20 length = 30 length_above_grip = 60 grip_slope = 5 throat_angle = 10 diameter = 20 hook_length = 5...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: diameter = 6 length_above_grip = 60 throat_angle = 10 hook_length = 5 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 narrowing_slope = 20 grip_length = 20 grip_thickness...

My Customized Parametric crochet hook
My Customized Parametric crochet hook
thingiverse Instructions Using the following options: hook_length = 5 throat_angle = 27 narrowing_slope = 20 length_above_grip = 60 narrowing_length = 10 narrowing_ratio = 0.16 grip_slope = 5...