metropolitan kouros 3d models

968 3d models found related to metropolitan kouros.
Kouros at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Kouros at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

... details are rendered in beautiful, analogous patterns. The statue marked the grave of a young Athenian aristocrat. This marble statue of a kouros (youth) is originally Greek from the Attic style, ca. 590-580 B.C. ...Said to be from Attica. 


More than 3 Meters In Ancient Greek kouros means youth, boy, especially of noble rank. ...When a pubescent was received into the body of grown men, as a grown Kouros, he could enter the initiation fest of the brotherhood


... limestone kouros. ...Kouros is a modern term given to free-standing ancient Greek sculptures that first appear in the Archaic period in Greece and represent nude male youths. ...In Ancient Greek kouros means "youth, boy, especially of noble rank". 


Indeed, when the poet Simonides wrote about arete in the late 500s, he used a metaphor seemingly drawn from the kouros: "In hand and foot and mind alike foursquare / fashioned without flaw."Neither art historians nor scientists have been able to...


The kouros (male youth in Greek) is the most typical statuary type of the Archaic period in Greece. Shown with the left foot forward and arms straight down against the sides of the body, as per Egyptian sculptural models, the statue was an offering...


  -- More than 3 Meters    In Ancient Greek kouros means "youth, boy, especially of noble rank." When a pubescent was received into the body of grown men, as a grown Kouros, he could enter the initiation fest of the brotherhood (φρατρία). Apellaios...


Head of an archaic figure of a male youth ("Kouros") found on the Greek Islands and dating from around 550/540 BC.  This object is part of "Scan The World". Scan the World is a non-profit initiative introduced by MyMiniFactory, through which we are...






No description provided.


No description provided.

Broken kouros
Broken kouros

Rests of a statue of kouros displayed at the Museum für Abgüsse Klassischer Bildwerke München.  A kouros (Ancient Greek: κοῦρος, plural kouroi) is the modern term given to free-standing ancient Greek sculptures which first appear in the Archaic...

Munich Kouros
Munich Kouros

They were also erected as monuments over burial mounds.  "Munich Kouros" is a statue from a grave in Attica. Heavy proportions and short hair are indicative of an athletic ideal. 540/530 BC.   This object is part of "Scan The World". Scan the World...

Head of a kouros
Head of a kouros

This fragment from the statue of a kouros was found in Melos. ...It is the product of a Cycladic workshop.  "Kouros" designates the often life-size statues of athletic men, typical of the Archaic Greek period. 

Torso of a kouros
Torso of a kouros

This fragmentary statue of a kouros torso was found in athens and was probably carved about the middle of the 6th century B.C.

Statue of a kouros
Statue of a kouros

This statue of a kouros is made of Beotian marble and was found at Orchomenos in Beotia. ...It is probably a provincial work of a local artist and is dated roughly around 580-570 B.C.

Kouros  3D print model
Kouros 3D print model

kouros Ancient Greek sculpture 2 files stl (redy for print) hello there the modelis in 2 files stl (redy for print) the file is in stl redy for print and in zbrush for ediditing

Head of a Kouros
Head of a Kouros

This weathered head is that of a kouros, carved around 540 BC out of Parian marble. ... The object originates from an unknown provenience but is the product of a Cycladic workshop.

Torso of a kouros
Torso of a kouros

This torso of a kouros was found in the sanctuary of Ptoan Apollo in Boeotia. It is one of the earliest kouroi of the Ptoon group. ... Product of a Cycladic workshop around 560 BC

Torso of a Kouros
Torso of a Kouros

This torso of a kouros was probably an island work, with fine proportions and a smooth rendering of the individual forms. ...Found in Moschato, Attica and created of Island marble around 580 BC

Head of a kouros
Head of a kouros

This head was found in Old Epidauros.  The figure of the kouros, or standing nude youth, was very recurring during the Archaic Greek period. They indicate a constant progress in sculpture which will lead to the Golden Age of Greek art and refinement...

Unfinished Kouros (youth)
Unfinished Kouros (youth)

... (southern Italy). The fashioning and development of the basic statue types in the Archaic period, such as the type of this kouros, are associated with the artistic tradition of the preceding centuries and influences from Egypt and the Near East.

Statue of a kouros
Statue of a kouros

A kouros is the modern term given to free-standing ancient Greek sculptures which first appear in the Archaic period in Greece and represent nude male youths. In Ancient Greek kouros means "youth, boy, especially of noble rank". The term kouros was...

The Getty Kouros
The Getty Kouros

... technologies for examination and dating. As with FDR's Zippo lighters, one cannot determine a kouros's worth based on appearances alone; its value hinges on its history or lack thereof, emphasizing the paradoxical nature of objectivity and worth.

Naked young man (Kouros)
Naked young man (Kouros)

 A kouros (Ancient Greek: κοῦρος, plural kouroi) is the modern term given to free-standing ancient Greek sculptures which first appear in the Archaic period in Greece and represent nude male youths. In Ancient Greek kouros means "youth, boy,...

Statue of a kouros
Statue of a kouros

A kouros is the modern term given to free-standing ancient Greek sculptures which first appear in the Archaic period in Greece and represent nude male youths. In Ancient Greek kouros means "youth, boy, especially of noble rank".   This object is...

Torso of a kouros
Torso of a kouros

Many remains of statues of kouros have been found throughout the years, which indicates how many have been made during the Archaic period, when they were most popular. ...They were dedicated to the gods and marked the entrance of sacred places and...

Torso of a Kouros
Torso of a Kouros

Marble torso of a kouros, found in Athens on the bank on the Ilissos river. He wears a small mantle and is one of the few examples of draped kouroi from mainland Greece. This statuary type was common in Eastern Greece and, particularly, in Ionia.

Head of a kouros
Head of a kouros

The figure of the kouros was very popular in Archaic Greece and in the beginning of the Classical period. They represented an aesthetic ideal and were dedicated to god. ...They were erected at the entrance of sacred places or near monumental...

Head of Kouros
Head of Kouros

A kouros is the name given to free-standing ancient Greek sculptures which first appear in the Archaic period in Greece and represent nude male youths. ...Such statues are found across the Greek-speaking world; the preponderance of these were found in...