ponterface 3d models

4 3d models found related to ponterface.
Minecraft Piggy
Minecraft Piggy

... rectangular prisms that where put together. ...This is a very cute model pig that is easy to print. Instructions Put the file in your slicer and then send it to the printer with ponterface. ...You should probably scale it up a bit, and it will work.

Rear Anet A8 X Belt with BL Touch Holder
Rear Anet A8 X Belt with BL Touch Holder

• FRONT_PROBE_BED_POSITION 45 (Original value 15) • BACK_PROBE_BED_POSITION 170 (Original value 170) Additional Notes: I calibrated my Z-offset via ponterface see my offset below it will vary from printer to printer though depending on how high your...

Anycubic I3 Mega UART Firmware for X/Y/E0
Anycubic I3 Mega UART Firmware for X/Y/E0

https://www.amazon.de/AZDelivery-Widerst%C3%A4nde-Resistor-Widerstand-Sortiment/dp/B07Q87JZ9G/ref=sr_1_5?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=widerst%C3%A4nde+set&qid=1617430237&sr=8-5 Pin Header RM 2,54 mm...

Cura 2-1 Hotend Scripts
Cura 2-1 Hotend Scripts

I'd like to note that occasionally Cura 3.6 doesn't like to print this correctly from USB, the G-code is good but it seems to ignore sending the new commands, I've been using Printrun from Ponterface to send the G-code over through USB and have had...