rasteri sc1000 3d models

5 3d models found related to rasteri sc1000.
Rasteri SC1000 Digital Scratch Controller
Rasteri SC1000 Digital Scratch Controller

If you have a desktop printer, then go ahead!** Rasteri SC1000 Github page with BOM and instructions: https://github.com/rasteri/SC1000 The goal of these files is to make a refined solution to Rasteris prototype. I have made a mount for the bearing,...

SC1000 Top Case / Stand
SC1000 Top Case / Stand

This is a Top Case and Stand for the great Rasteri "SC1000 Digital Scratch Instrument".

SC1000 Digital Scratch Controller
SC1000 Digital Scratch Controller

If you have a desktop printer, then go ahead! Rasteri SC1000 Github page with BOM and instructions: https://github.com/rasteri/SC1000 The goal of these files is to make a refined solution to Rasteris prototype. I have made a mount for the bearing,...


For details on the SC1000 visit https://github.com/rasteri/SC1000 You can buy the main PCB bare here https://reckla.bigcartel.com/product/sc1000-pcb Here is the BOM for the hardware used in this design. Everything is friction fit, so you may need to...

1:100 WW2 German Bombs "SC1000, SC500, etc" WIP
1:100 WW2 German Bombs "SC1000, SC500, etc" WIP

Recommended to print anything under 1000 with a nozzle diameter less than .2mm Sprengbombe Cylindrisch 500 an 1000 SC500 SC1000 "Hermann" SB and CB are terms "i" used to define a file with a square tail and circle tail. Those to be added...