spinner ring fidget 3d models

196046 3d models found related to spinner ring fidget.
Spinner/Fidget Ring
Spinner/Fidget Ring

a ring with a movable spinner on it

Spinner/Fidget Ring
Spinner/Fidget Ring

A neat spinning ring that's fun to play with when you are bored or worried. It prints in three pieces, but the top piece snaps on by friction eliminating the need for any glue despite being multiple moving pieces without any clasps or pins. ...

Spinner Fidget Ring
Spinner Fidget Ring

Dual layered ring in which the outer component spins around the inner one. ...Model can only be made on machine that print supports that can be taken away/ melted.

Fidget Spinner Ring
Fidget Spinner Ring

Ring that you put a fidget spinner on.

Fidget Spinner Ring
Fidget Spinner Ring

This is a ring that you can put into a fidget spinner bearing. Combine it with my BB Mini Spinner (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2305091) for a low profile spinner with bling! ... The .stl files are listed as approximate inside diameter or ring...

Fidget spinner ring
Fidget spinner ring

A simple spinner ring. ...Inner diameter 36 mm

Fidget Spinner Ring Mount
Fidget Spinner Ring Mount

So i came across the idea of incorporating fidget spinners in my design! I made this ring in size 8 which should be able to fit one of your 10 fingers, if not please comment and recommend what other size I should do. I designed this for the...

Customizable Fidget Spinner Ring
Customizable Fidget Spinner Ring

Design #1 Fidget Bolt keychain can be found here...http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:175416 These fidget rings have a wide array of uses. From wearable, always ready and available stress relief to functional and appropriate stimulus for those who...

Random "Fidget" Spinner Ring
Random "Fidget" Spinner Ring

... Font_Spacing = 0 Font_Height = 0 Font = write/Letters.dxf Knurl_Depth = 1.5 Font_Size = 9.5 Knurl_Width = 3 Ring_Size_Selector = 17.93 Knurl_Smoothness = 71 Knurl_Height = 2 Type = 3 Manual_Ring_Size = 18.35 Bands = 2 Font_Cut = 1 Ring_Thickness = 9

Fidget Spinner Ring thinner
Fidget Spinner Ring thinner

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Manual_Ring_Size = 18.35 Font = write/Letters.dxf Message = FIDGET THIS! ...Font_Size = 9.5 Bands = 2 Font_Height = 0 Ring_Size_Selector = 18.54...

Dads Fidget Spinner Ring
Dads Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Type = 3 Font_Size = 9.5 Knurl_Depth = 1.5 Manual_Ring_Size = 18.6 Knurl_Width = 3 Ring_Size_Selector = 16.51 Font_Cut = 1 Font_Height = 0 Font =...

Customized Fidget Spinner Ring
Customized Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Font_Cut = 1 Font_Spacing = 0 Knurl_Width = 3 Knurl_Smoothness = 50 Bands = 2 Ring_Size_Selector = 22.2 Knurl_Height = 2 Ring_Thickness = 9...

Fidget Spinner Ring
Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Ring_Thickness = 6 Manual_Ring_Size = 18.35 Font_Height = 0 Knurl_Depth = 1.5 Message = FIDGET THIS! ...Knurl_Height = 2 Font_Spacing = 0 Bands = 2...

fidget spinner ring 2
fidget spinner ring 2

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Manual_Ring_Size = 18.35 Font_Height = 0 Font_Size = 9.5 Knurl_Height = 2 Knurl_Depth = 1.5 Font = write/Letters.dxf Font_Spacing = 0 Type = 2...

Evan Fidget Spinner Ring
Evan Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Knurl_Width = 3 Ring_Thickness = 9 Manual_Ring_Size = 18.35 Knurl_Height = 2 Type = 3 Font = write/Letters.dxf Knurl_Smoothness = 26 Font_Height...

Fidget Spinner Ring
Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Font_Size = 9.5 Font = write/BlackRose.dxf Manual_Ring_Size = 18.35 Bands = 2 Knurl_Smoothness = 50 Message = FIDGET Font_Cut = 1 Font_Spacing =...

Fidget Spinner Ring
Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Font = write/Letters.dxf Manual_Ring_Size = 18.35 Knurl_Height = 2 Bands = 2 Knurl_Width = 3 Font_Size = 9.5 Ring_Thickness = 9 Knurl_Smoothness...

Fidget Spinner Ring
Fidget Spinner Ring

... 2 Message = FIDGET THIS! Knurl_Width = 3 Knurl_Depth = 1.5 Manual_Ring_Size = 18.35 Ring_Thickness = 9 Knurl_Smoothness = 50 Bands = 2 Font_Height = 0 Font_Cut = 1 Font_Spacing = 0 Font_Size = 9.5 Font = write/Letters.dxf Ring_Size_Selector = 16.51

Customized Fidget Spinner Ring
Customized Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Ring_Thickness = 6 Font_Height = 0 Font_Cut = 1 Knurl_Depth = 1 Manual_Ring_Size = Font_Size = 9.5 Font_Spacing = 0 Font = write/Letters.dxf Type...

Fidget Spinner Ring pendant
Fidget Spinner Ring pendant

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Manual_Ring_Size = 18.35 Message = FIDGET THIS! ...Font = write/Letters.dxf Font_Size = 9.5 Bands = 5 Knurl_Depth = 2 Font_Height = 0...

nikkis Fidget Spinner Ring
nikkis Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Knurl_Smoothness = 50 Knurl_Height = 6 Font_Height = 0 Knurl_Width = 6 Font_Spacing = 0 Font = write/Letters.dxf Knurl_Depth = 1.5...

Fidget Spinner Ring MG
Fidget Spinner Ring MG

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Type = 3 Knurl_Height = 2 Knurl_Depth = 1.5 Manual_Ring_Size = 17.62 Font_Cut = 1 Font_Spacing = 0 Font_Height = 0 Font_Size = 9.5 Bands = 2...

3 Fidget Spinner Ring
3 Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Knurl_Smoothness = 50 Knurl_Depth = 1.5 Type = 1 Knurl_Width = 3 Font_Cut = 1 Knurl_Height = 2 Ring_Size_Selector = 14.48 Ring_Thickness = 9...

Fidget Spinner Ring
Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Ring_Thickness = 9 Knurl_Width = 3 Ring_Size_Selector = 0 Font_Height = 0 Font_Spacing = 0 Font = write/Letters.dxf Type = 3 Bands = 2...

4 Fidget Spinner Ring
4 Fidget Spinner Ring

... Font_Cut = 1 Knurl_Height = 2 Bands = 2 Message = FIDGET THIS! Manual_Ring_Size = 18.35 Font_Size = 9.5 Knurl_Smoothness = 50 Knurl_Depth = 1.5 Ring_Thickness = 9 Font_Height = 0 Knurl_Width = 3 Font_Spacing = 0 Ring_Size_Selector = 15.29

ten Fidget Spinner Ring
ten Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Ring_Thickness = 9 Font_Height = 0 Knurl_Smoothness = 50 Font_Size = 9.5 Manual_Ring_Size = 18.35 Knurl_Height = 2 Knurl_Depth = 1.5 Message =...

Joey Fidget Spinner Ring
Joey Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Ring_Thickness = 9 Knurl_Smoothness = 50 Font_Cut = 1 Knurl_Height = 2 Message = FIDGET THIS! ...Knurl_Depth = 1.5 Knurl_Width = 3 Type = 2 Bands =...

Fidget Spinner Ring
Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Bands = 2 Knurl_Width = 3 Ring_Thickness = 9 Font_Spacing = 0 Type = 3 Font_Size = 9.5 Font_Height = 0 Knurl_Smoothness = 66 Ring_Size_Selector =...

BIG Fidget Spinner Ring
BIG Fidget Spinner Ring

http://www.thingiverse.com/apps/customizer/run?thing_id=188275 Instructions Using the following options: Bands = 2 Font_Spacing = 0 Ring_Thickness = 11 Ring_Size_Selector = 24.64 Type = 3 Knurl_Height = 3 Font_Height = 0 Knurl_Smoothness = 50...

Eggert Fidget Spinner Ring
Eggert Fidget Spinner Ring

... Bands = 2 Ring_Thickness = 9 Knurl_Width = 2 Knurl_Smoothness = 0 Type = 3 Font_Height = 0 Font_Size = 9.5 Ring_Size_Selector = 20.57 Font_Cut = 1 Font_Spacing = 0 Knurl_Depth = 1.5 Manual_Ring_Size = 18.35 Font = write/Letters.dxf Knurl_Height = 4