cupboard handle / Poignet placard

cupboard handle / Poignet placard


Petites poignées / boutons ronds pour placard ou tirroir, à visser (3mm) En deux parties pour permettre deux teintes / filament Deux corps sont disponibles, fins ou larges Imprimé en filament PLA blanc et PLA bois L'emboitement fonctionnement plutôt bien mais un point de colle est sécurisant _____ Small handles / round for cupboard or drawer, 3mm screw In two parts to allow two shades Two bodies are available, thin or wide Print with white PLA and wood PLA The nesting works rather well but a point of glue is reassuring

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With this file you will be able to print cupboard handle / Poignet placard with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on cupboard handle / Poignet placard.