Custom 3d printable Space Marine shoulder pads - template/tool for making

Custom 3d printable Space Marine shoulder pads - template/tool for making


This file is in .3mf, i used 3D Builder on Windows 10, there may be other programs that can handle 3mf but i dont know them, it might also be possible to convert to other formats but im a newb at this so i leave it up to other users to try that. This is a template for cutting your own custom shoulder pad icons, its not perfect since the larger your icon is the more distorted it will be but is quite easy to use and there are some options to mitigate some of this. As shown in the image you just place a fattened version your icon where you want it on the pad, move the outside cutter bit to intersect it, i adjusted it to make it a bit shallower so the top of the icon would be a bit flatter instead of conforming precisely to the shape of the pad itself. Then using the Subtract feature in 3D Builder cuts the extra protrusion away and leaves behind what you didnt cover with it. For mitigating deformation i did this: Before importing the icon i put it in Blender and made it slightly cone shaped as you can see in the images, this makes the edge of the icon come out of the shoulder pad at closer to 90 degrees, im sure one can be more exact and actually calculate a number but i just threw this together as a quick example of what can be done using my template file. After subtracting the outside part i tilted and resized the icon to flatten it heightwise, to remedy the effect of cutting like this making it slightly oval. After this i tilted the icon and moved it a bit to get the result show in the last image. Then i subtracted the inside part and removed the leftovers that were sticking outside it. Tip: For getting a 3d version of your icon to use in this template you can import an image file of it into 3D Builder and that will allow you get it as extruded 3d shapes, unless your original is quite high res it can be a bit rough tho, it can also do stamps or heightmaps depending on shading but im not sure how well that would really translate for this purpose at least. To get the icon i used i downloaded an svg of the black sun and then uploaded it to a webpage to get an extruded 3d version, this means if you icon is already in svg you should be able to get a very accurate 3d version easily. EDIT: I noticed ive got a flat spot on the my example shoulder pad, that happened because i didnt make the logo tall enough and thus easily avoided.

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With this file you will be able to print Custom 3d printable Space Marine shoulder pads - template/tool for making with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Custom 3d printable Space Marine shoulder pads - template/tool for making.