Grow Tent Hangar Clip for 16mm Poles - great for trellis supports

Grow Tent Hangar Clip for 16mm Poles - great for trellis supports


<p>Just a quick hanger/clip for grow tent poles (16mm, most common size). Works well for trellis support, and LST anchoring.</p><p>Recommend adjusting print height and fill based on strength needs (whatever you're tying down / supporting)</p><p>These let a Phlizon Cob Series 3000W (~22lbs) hang off of it amazingly. Just make sure you print them thicc enough - adjust their print height in slicer, which is easy to do. If hanging heavy stuff, I would suggest printing with PETG and not PLA.</p><p>For trellis supports, or things that don't need huge holding power, adjust down in thiccness. A few MM thick is all you need for most applications.</p>

Download Model from prusaprinters

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