Halloween Card - Grim Reaper

Halloween Card - Grim Reaper


Another image to be used for a Halloween Card, see http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4462. Instructions Images can be printed separately and glued on paper, or printed directly on the paper used as a card. Make sure the first layer is squished a bit. Attached is the gcode file of the Reaper. IMPORTANT: Before you print the Reaper from the gcode file you must edit it. The gcode file is created using scripts to convert from an svg to an gcode file directly. The layer thickness is set to 0.3 mm, but parameters like the initial warm up procedure, possible homing, stopping of the heater at the end etc. are NOT included since this is different for each style of printer and for each material. I use a repstrap printer with makerbot electronics and firmware and PLA. Editing is not difficult. Compare a gcode file you have used successfully for some other print and use the header and tail(!) from that to complete the attached gcode file. The coordinates used in the file are all positive between 0 and 98 (should fit makerbot). Make sure your initial zero position allows for that.

Download Model from thingiverse

With this file you will be able to print Halloween Card - Grim Reaper with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Halloween Card - Grim Reaper.