Hope3D Off Grid Kit

Hope3D Off Grid Kit


This design is intended to address and provide hope for many global issues such Global Warming, Food Shortages, Clean Water Supply, Global Waste and Renewable Energy & Resources. This kit can address topics in numbers: 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15 and maybe 17 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals of 2030.This Hope3d Off Grid Kit contains a generator, a small yield crop system, a hydrogen supply, and a sun catcher for garden or solar power boosting and a battery box for rechargeables. Used properly, this kit could help the transition from fossil fuel to renewable resources and into an off-grid living style way of life, this could be life saving in many parts of the world. I’ll try to separate the info and organize it into easy-ish to follow instructions. The Earthship Biotecture practices and ideals by Michael Reynolds ( https://www.earthshipglobal.com/  )is the best hope the world could use right now and outlays a new style of life that we all should work day and night to achieve for the sake of humanity :) I trust you’ll all make the right decision because its ALL up to US, come on people, we can do this! We can change the world!(Please excuse the renderings of the designs in lieu of actual photos of them as i dont have enough pla to print anything in my kit yet and my camera is weaksauce) Hope3D Off Grid Kit: (All parts except Giant Gear and top/bottom plate can be printed on smaller 3d printers, the others need a bed size of 300mm x 300mm)(If your bed size is too small to print Giant gear and top/bottom plate, just order it printed from someone on here who can :) ) ———————————————————————————————— -HDD Magnet Nema 17 Power Generator: (need help from community on how to wire this to a charge controller and a dump load but i think if we bundle all the + and - wires into two bundles and twist them they should plug in where the solar panel's output would go)(something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MCW-FqRKK4)SOLVED 6/11/19: buy 16 of these things called a step-up modlue can be bought at: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FDD3AYQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1With 16 of these USB power slots, u can charge 16 power banks at once or anything really that has a USB cord to charge! ADDED 6/19/19: This other converter will take the boosted 5v and convert it to up to 48v, which im hoping will be able to power up a power strip that we can plug things with a wall outlet into. so the configuration will be: each Nema 17 motor will have 2 .9v-5v converters and those each will be wired to a stronger 5v-48v converter and then each of those will have a + and - wire coming off them that can be wired (i'm not sure if directly to the prongs of a power strip or if it will need to be wired to an inverter) in such a way as to provide power equivalent to a wall plug-in which we will ultimately be able to plug stuff into whilst off grid baby! lol I'm hoping! https://www.amazon.com/3V-32V-5V-48V-Output-Adjustable-Converter/dp/B01MS3IAVL/ref=asc_df_B01MS3IAVL/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=343288438787&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1089126618072322537&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029315&hvtargid=pla-737249670421&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=68271436279&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=343288438787&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1089126618072322537&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029315&hvtargid=pla-737249670421A generator that can provide steady power which comes from the use of 8 of the Nema 17 stepper motors that are endlessly being rotated by a larger gear that has been fitted with many super strong HDD rare earth magnets which keep the gear turning because of the constant repel/attract forces by arranging the magnets in such a way, which is  demonstrated at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFfhMR1uidg and the arrangement of the magnets explained at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU5BWgouuYg By combining the knowledge from the above two links with the 3d printed parts labeled 'g_xxxx.stl', this generator is theoretically able to provide a constant energy source, just connect a power bank and start charging! (Disclaimer: I haven’t figured out a way to connect the 32 wires into a power inverter yet but i think the wiring guide might look like a tournament bracket). and the DIY video might provide a clue as to how to connect the 3d printed Generator to an inverter to allow for residential and off grid use. Any help or ideas on the matter is welcome and encouraged so that we can start sending these to 3rd world places and remote locations. You could even probably make this portable by adding backpack straps.Needed Parts not printed: - 8-18 Nema 17 stepper motors (found here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/US-Ship-Nema-17-Stepper-Motor-37oz-in-12V-0-4A-3D-Pinter-Reprap-Arduino-DIY-CNC/331601550532?epid=7003305736&hash=item4d34fe1cc4:g:DywAAOSwFm5a4V8G&frcectupt=true)  - 8mm threaded rod 1ft long (found here:https://www.ebay.com/itm/8mm-Acme-threaded-Rod-trapezoidal-Lead-Screw-T8-Nut-For-CNC-3D-printer-Reprap/131817911254?hash=item1eb0f5b3d6:m:mWhx1IC5cpKEuMZYIUNDw8Q&frcectupt=true- 25 HDD magnets (all magnets must match each other) ( found here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/LOT-OF-24-Identical-Large-Neodymium-Rare-Earth-Magnet-Hard-Drive-Magnet/173590418472?hash=item286acb9428:g:DMIAAOSw2dJacp~K:sc:USPSFirstClass!82601!US!-1&frcectupt=true - 608 bearing, 4 washers with 8mm hole, 4 bolts tht fit the 8mm rod, hot glue gun. Assembly: Note: i havent tested to see if teeth on printed gears actually mesh correctly together nor tested the needed strength the center gear would need to overcome all 8 motor rods at once or how many HDD magnets it would take to acheive that strength, but im 96% sure it should work. If you print 3 of the giant gears and 2 sets of the tiny gears(19 total tiny gears), you could make a double-stack generator capable of 120ish volts @ 30amp (i think)- use 8mm threaded rod, put nut at bottom of rod with washer ontop, set base plate on rod, set 8 Nema 17 stepper motors at the corners of base plate, take small brass part off nema shaft and lay top plate over rods and replace brass part, add tiny gears to the motor rods poking out the top and finally, press fit a 608 bearing into giant gear center, hot glue HDD magnets in the arrangement described in the video link above, hot glue magnets ontop of top plate, and put gear over rod and line up all gears together and place washer and nut on top and hack saw the rod to fit the needed length (sorry IDK actual needed rod length as i have not tested this) ———————————————————————————————— Solar Rechargeable AA or AAA Batteries Case: This is the housing for the batteries so that they stay out of direct sunlight while they’re attached to the solar panel. The small solar panel (found at website below) has a micro USB output that allows you to charge a phone and comes with a lightbulb on a hook that when charged can be hung where you need light until it runs out of charge, the rechargeable batteries (found at website below) come in a pack of 4 and can be combined with the solar panel above to add some reliable power back-up for flashlights, or what have you, to your Hope3d Off Grid Kit. You can also use these at home to reduce disposable battery waste filling up landfills. Solar Panel ~$12 found at: https://www.miniinthebox.com/en/p/s-1200-130lm-portable-camping-led-light-solar-energy-bulb-lamp_p5635766.html?prm=   Rechargeable micro usb Batteries ~$24-30 found at: https://www.amazon.com/USB-Rechargeable-Batteries-Magnetized-Long-Life/dp/B07J28WBXB/ref=asc_df_B07J28WBXB/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=295589538880&hvpos=1o6&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10513530294173775489&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029315&hvtargid=pla-629654533618&psc=1 ————————————————————————————————   -Hydrogen collection option: (Need help from community on how we could achieve this) I don’t know how safe it would be to try and use hydrogen collected from an electrolysis chamber (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:291646) and stored in a balloon (probably extremely dangerous and Hindenburgian) but its possible to use the generator as the power source to achieve electrolysis. Don’t try this without extensive knowledge and safety precautions. The balloon_nozzle.STL in the kit allows you to kink off the balloon filled with hydrogen and put a nozzle end on the balloon to release tiny amounts of hydrogen into a yet to be devised container that can be used pipe off the hydrogen to a 'coleman style' burner to boil water for drinking or to cook food. ———————————————————————————————————— -MODULAR CAN SMALL CROP SYSTEM: A modular garden for indoor or outdoor use that upcycles the 12oz & 250ml aluminum can into a gardening system that can be used to grow food and herbs for the kitchen and makes the world a better place one plant at a time. Just follow the steps and start your food garden today! (Huge list of plants at bottom.) If each person in the U.S. alone builds a 20-can food garden system, 6 billion aluminum cans will now be growing edible plants that would be absorbing atmospheric CO2 levels and can provide food and an Oxygen boost to the environment while reducing aluminum waste in the process. Win, Win, Win! Line them up on window sills, bunch them together outside, or cooler yet you can create a pathway to your front door. If people put as much energy into this small crop yielding gardening system as the do into lawn maintenance, we could likely feed the world. #NOMORELAWNS Solid part for indoor use & heart shaped hole for draining purposes and outdoor use.Assembly: 1. Use a can opener to take the top off of a 120z or 250ml can. 2. Poke 10-20 holes in the bottom of it. 3. Place the can in the 3d-printed part.  4. Fill the can with gardening soil an inch away from top. 5. Use can couplers as needed for an ever-growing garden. 6. Push a finger into the soil up to first knuckle. 7. Drop in herb or vegetable seeds like Cilantro, Basil, Rosemary, runner beans, etc. 8. Cover seeds with soil. 9. Water lightly. 10. Put a dent in global aluminum can waste. 11.(Optional) Place Watering Clip on the can and place the fish tank tubing into clip, then poke holes as indicated in picture. 12.Cut hole in cap of 2L bottle, insert free end of fish tank tubing and hot glue in place. Fill 2L bottle with water and hang upside down I.V. style. 13. Use in combination with the Sun Catcher to Maximize photosynthesis! Here's a small list of various plants to choose from: ——succulents (aesthetic plants) California Sunset, Mother of Thousands, Sedum rubrotinctum, Fred Ives(really cool), Graptopetalum paraguayense, ghost plant(amazing!)  ——herbs Basil, Cilantro, Parsley, Chives, Rosemary, Fennel, Lemongrass, Wheatgrass, Sage, Thyme, Parsley, Bay Tree, Coriander, Spearmint, Dill, Oregano, etc  —-18 mint types (mountainvalleygrowers.com/mint.htm) Banana, Corsican, Moroccan, Habek, Egyptian, Lemon Bergamot, Peppermint, Pineapple, Orange bergamot mint, chocolate mint, lavender mint, penny royal, curly spearmint, Mint the Best, Kentucky Colonel spearmint, apple mint, Macho mint, etc.  ———vegetables Radishes-20 days max Greenbeans-55 days Snappeas- 28 to 40 days Zucchini- 42 to 52 days Green Onions- 20 to 30 days Runner Beans- once plant reaches 20cm, pick beans every 2-3 days ———————————————————————————————— -Sun Catcher: A sun catcher for the garden that uses the 250ml aluminum can to reflect and redirect sunlight towards your garden to maximize photosynthesis. Use these for your regular garden or better yet, use in combination with the 'Modular Can Garden' to grow the heck out of those plants :)Sun Catcher can be used to angle more light at solar panels as well!  Assembly: 1. Cut off ends of 250ml can as close to edge as possible 2. With ends cut off, cut down middle of can. 3. Unfold carefully as it may be sharp. 4. Feed unfolded can into slots shiny side up. 5. Glue in place, let dry. 6. Bolt through parts to create adjustable hinges. 7. Zip-tie through slots in 'mount' file to end of sturdy stick. 8. Place as many Sun Catchers nearest to your garden in a 180 degree arc. 9. Aim individual Sun Catchers into focal point. 10. Too many will fry garden, so adjust accordingly. (Sun Catcher uses the  250ml size can as the reflector but you can cut a 120z can to fit.)———————————————————————————————— My Story: I guess the judges would like to hear the story of contest entrees so here’s mine. Science has been my favorite subject in school till i came across a new language, then i started learning as many languages as I could handle and then came across 3D Printing and have been printing for three years now and there’s still decades left to learn. Some inspiration came from the architect Michael Reynolds and his work on Earthship communities( https://www.earthshipglobal.com/ ). Another great source of inspiration is Tesla obviously, the man had a plan for fossil-fuel-free electricity but his ideas weren’t backed by investors because there was no profit in it for them like it did with oil. Now that the world is looking for answers and plans for ending dependency on fossil fuels it need only look to the past. The problems I’m trying to help solve with this this kit could help the transition from fossil fuel and single use plastics to renewable energy resources and into an off-grid living style way of life. The problems are we waste too much, consume too much, we don’t recycle hard enough, we don’t grow enough plants, we put too much plastic into the oceans and put too much C02 into the atmosphere. We can fix the world if we can all agree to focus our combined efforts into building Earthship Communities https://www.earthshipglobal.com/ and implementing all its ideals, we could put this planet on the road to healing. My Off Grid Kit is a way for each person to begin taking tiny steps towards making the world a better place now and our combined work can pave the way to an actual future for generations. The future has never been so tangible as it is right now! :)

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