Mini vise-clamp thing

Mini vise-clamp thing


<p>I needed a mini-clamp to hold down my spool holder to my desk and mistertech's design was just about what I had in mind, minus the headphone part. I also shortened the clamp down to 20mm because my desk is very thin. I also wanted the screw to withstand more tension, so I decided to split the original model and print both halves horizontally and acetone weld them after.</p> <p>If you want the whole bolt or a larger version, check out <a href="">the original design</a>.</p> <h3>Print instructions</h3><p><strong>Rafts:</strong> No<br/> <strong>Supports:</strong> No<br/> <strong>Resolution:</strong> 0.2mm<br/> <strong>Infill:</strong> 30%</p> <h3> Post-Printing</h3> <p><strong>Acetone weld</strong></p> <p>With a small paintbrush, cover the flat surface of each screw half with acetone. Quickly, before the acetone evaporates, align the halves and hold together firmly for a few seconds.</p>

Download Model from prusaprinters

With this file you will be able to print Mini vise-clamp thing with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Mini vise-clamp thing.