Planetary gear - 0,267 x for MG995 servo

Planetary gear - 0,267 x for MG995 servo


Required components: - 623ZZ (4 pieces) - 608ZZ (1 piece) - M3 x 15 countersunk (DIN9771) (9 pieces) - M3 x 20 countersunk (DIN9771) (4 piecs) - M2 x 10 (DIN912) (4 pieces) - M3 rings (8-16 pieces) - locking screw for Servo I have included the simplified models of the bearings if you want to test this design without real bearings. a spacer ring should go between the planet gears and the side plates on both sides to keep it free from the edges (not shown in the section view). The number at the end of the part name refers to the quantity. Spec's of the outside ring can be seen in the uploaded image.

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