Ryobi USB power / minimalist power bank design

Ryobi USB power / minimalist power bank design


UPDATE: I cleaned the parts and improved the fitting a bit - it was a bit tight fit for the board to get into the enclosure, as well as for tucking the cables on the sides. Now it should be better, and there should be less unnecessary parts "extruding" from the surfaces. I also made the two screw holes a little bit bigger, as I didn't have any miniature screws laying around myself, and you might not have either. It keeps together perfectly fine with just 2 screws. I wanted to have a Ryobi One Plus USB adapter in as compact a size as possible, so I decided to make a remix of a USB buck converter case and Ryobi power clip found here on thingiverse. All of the other models I could find were too bulky for my liking, and I also wanted the casing itself to cover the power leads on the power clip, so I added simple covering parts there in addition to combining the two models and "completing" the shapes. I bought the USB buck converter from three different sellers on ebay, hoping one of them would arrive fast. This was the cheapest I could find at 0.67eur a piece: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_id=114&ipn=icep&toolid=20004&campid=5338573571&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2F6-24V-12V-24V-to-5V-3A-CAR-USB-Charger-Module-DC-Buck-step-down-Converter-CA%2F142329605539%3FssPageName%3DSTRK%253AMEBIDX%253AIT%26_trksid%3Dp2057872.m2749.l2649 The models could use a little cleaning, there are parts sticking out a little bit, but this is fully usable as such, as you can see I have built mine based on this model. I didn't have small enough screws though, so I used just two bigger ones, drilling the holes to 2mm before I screwed them in. INSTRUCTIONS: -Print both parts, with supports enabled -Wire it up with some electrical wire you have, you can check the polarity on your ryobi batteries, but the polarity here matches that of the USB buck converter, so the solder pad for black is already on the correct side of the power clip, and likewise for red. -Screw the cap on with small screws, you can add a dab of clue on the end of the extensions that cover the wiring on the power clip

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