Simple Angled Leg Bracket for round legs

Simple Angled Leg Bracket for round legs


<p>This is a simpel modern looking bracket for angled (15°) furniture legs. This model in particular fits 30mm round wood rods. Tho, keep in mind due to filament shrinkage while printing and manufacturing tolerance of your chosen leg material, you might have to adjust your slicer settings to scale the model up a little …or sand down the leg itself.<br><br>I have used 30mm Beech round rod material from my local hardware store und cut it up into smaller pieces. (1meter / (4 legs + saw width) ~= 24cm each)<br><br>The bracket itself is attached to the furniture by 3 screws, the width of the screw shouldn't be larger than 3.5mm (unless you drill the screw holes larger). The leg itself should fit quite tight into the bracket</p><p><i>Changelog</i><br><strong>Version 1.5:</strong> Introduced a screw hole for fixing the leg. Also, for cantering the brackets, there are two CenterMark's for easier alignment.</p><p>As far as printing goes, I used PLA with Prusa's default settings and an .4mm nozzle at a layer height of .3mm, this took around 1h6m and used about 6.3m or 19gramm of filament. <strong>At a layer hight of .1 it can be further reduced to use less than 5m of filament. (Last Meters Contest)</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>If your stock material varies, check out the zip folder “other sizes”, I will add modified models there. However, this comes with the downside that the screw holes might be moved for a better-looking result, …or a sturdier one.</p><p>And if you would like to see even more models for different leg sizes, angles and profiles feel free to leaf me a comment down below, I'm happy to help out. In future I might add a parameterized model, too.</p>

Download Model from prusaprinters

With this file you will be able to print Simple Angled Leg Bracket for round legs with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Simple Angled Leg Bracket for round legs.