gcode file 3d models

702739 3d models found related to gcode file.
Shapeoko Lasercutting and Laserengraving - Pirate GCode File
Shapeoko Lasercutting and Laserengraving - Pirate GCode File

LaserEngraving ShapeOko Lasercutting/Laserengraving File "Chris der Pirat" SOFTWARE GCode with Inkscape and GCodeTools PlugIn EggBot Plugin Laser PlugIn Notepad++ with PlugIns NPP ToolBucket > Multi line replace Universial GCode Sender ShapeOko: GRBL...

Temperature Tower Version 2 GCODE Files
Temperature Tower Version 2 GCODE Files

If you don't want to mess around with OpenSCAD, Slic3r and Python - here are the GCODE files I created. Nozzle diameter 0.4 Filament 1.75 PLA: 190 - 220 degree celsius, 5 degree steps, 60 degree heated bed TPU+: 185 - 215 degree celsius, 5...

temp calibration tower (Anycubic Vyper gcode files!)
temp calibration tower (Anycubic Vyper gcode files!)

change on the display if necessary **code - files** The gcode file is only for the Anycubic Vyper! Use at your own risk! Die gcode-Datei ist nur für den Anycubic Vyper bestimmt! Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr! ... **Cura profile** ...

Retraction / Flow test with Cura & gcode files
Retraction / Flow test with Cura & gcode files

There are also 2 example gcode files I've added: - One is 0.1 to 2.0mm retraction, the other is 2.1 to 4.0mm retraction. - They take 25 minutes to print, and use 2g/0.69m of PLA. I print the towers in parallel with the motion of the bed, just in...

Arm Rest Console Tray for Tesla Model 3 MY21 - print with gcode file for Mini+
Arm Rest Console Tray for Tesla Model 3 MY21 - print with gcode file for Mini+

SummaryOrganizer tray for the arm rest console - adjusted STL with slopes under ledge for less requirement for supports, and gcode file adjusted to fit supports on the Mini+ plate. Note: Print using the gcode file if possible (using PETG)...

Simple program to scan a gcode file and report the amount of filament that is used to print it.
Simple program to scan a gcode file and report the amount of filament that is used to print it.

I wrote this utility because some of the gcode files that I produce are rather large and takes a long time to open up in an editor to see what the Cura estimates are, and this utility can do it a lot faster. Also, some other slicers out the...

3D Benchy Test Gcode files for MK3/MK3S/Mk3S+
3D Benchy Test Gcode files for MK3/MK3S/Mk3S+

Sliced with Prusaslicer 2.5 using new Arachne system for quick testing of your filament or printer, Gcode files are in 0.4mm nozzle version and 0.6mm nozzle version.

F450 type quadcopter "mass production" .gcode files
F450 type quadcopter "mass production" .gcode files

... big, too. `villamany's_files.zip` is just a zip of all the STLs and other files from villamany's thing, which I've used to make these gcodes. ... I may fix the naming convention later, and may also look into making stl versions of all of these.

Gmixer for Cura:  A program mixes gcode files with different layer settings
Gmixer for Cura: A program mixes gcode files with different layer settings

This python script mixes different gcode files to generate a new one with different settings (infill, layer heights, etc) for different layers (It’s like DNA crossover.). The current version Cura does not have this function. With proper settings of...

Gmixer for Cura:  A program mixes gcode files with different layer settings
Gmixer for Cura: A program mixes gcode files with different layer settings

This python script mixes different gcode files to generate a new one with different settings (infill, layer heights, etc) for different layers (It’s like DNA crossover.). The current version Cura does not have this function. With proper settings of...

3D Print Your Own Miniature Model of A 3D Printer Using These GCODE Files Includes Detailed Drawings Package & Step-By-Step Pictures 
3D Print Your Own Miniature Model of A 3D Printer Using These GCODE Files Includes Detailed Drawings Package & Step-By-Step Pictures 

All you need to do is put all the gcode files on an SD card and load each part into your printer and print it out. This project will require some experience in assembling and gluing complex 3D printed parts and understanding how to 3D print files...

DJI Mini 2 drone cradle protector housing cover STL or GCODE no slicing! STEP files included
DJI Mini 2 drone cradle protector housing cover STL or GCODE no slicing! STEP files included

**Ender 3 style GCODE files are included at 200C, 210C and 252C if you want to skip the slicing! Slow your feed rate to 50% if having trouble** Better than the original DJI cover. Remixed from a nice layout was too tight on my drone, pinching the...

Colorati con Canvas Palette Mosaic : File Gcode e Maf DOLL HEAD WITH COLORED EYES --- TESTA DI BAMBOLA CON OCCHI COLORATI
Colorati con Canvas Palette Mosaic : File Gcode e Maf DOLL HEAD WITH COLORED EYES --- TESTA DI BAMBOLA CON OCCHI COLORATI

G CODE FOR YOUR SLICING ; Sliced by CANVAS ; ; *** Actual Slicing Settings As Used *** ; ; [Printer] ; extension = gcode ; costPerHour = 0 ; extruderCount = 4 ; firmwareType = RepRap 5D Absolute ; addComments = true ; g4pUsesSeconds = false ; fanPWM...

GCode Editor
GCode Editor

This is a Java Program that allows user to read Gcodes file. If you have a Chinese CNC Router, then you will need this program to help you reverse the machine direction. So, if you use Artcam software to run your CNC machine, you will need this...

Temperature Calibration GCODE Editor
Temperature Calibration GCODE Editor

Simply drag and drop your gcode file onto the python scripts icon then follow the prompts to enter three parameters: your starting temperature your final temperature the amount at which the temperature should change The script will then tell you...

Blender gcode addon
Blender gcode addon

Instructions 201102070914 blender gcode reader reads reprap gcode files into blender 2.5 for rendering and visualization Instructions get latest blender http://www.blender.org/download/get-256-beta/ open blender Select File Menu User Preferences...

GCode Print Simulator
GCode Print Simulator

If the print object looks ok you can directly send it over Wifi to GCodePrintr (Android) to print it.GCodePrintr - 3D Printing for ANDROID availableAllows real 3D printing from an Android...

GCode Print Simulator
GCode Print Simulator

(Windows explorer might show it as a tip archive) If this does not work, please start GCodeSimulator by calling java from the command line java -jar GCodeSimulator.jar [gcode_file] [gcode_file] is optional , if not specified then a browse dialog will...

GCode Analyzer/Visualizer
GCode Analyzer/Visualizer

for whole file and for single layer 2.2) Reference visualized part to GCode file (i.e. select a certain part of 2d visalization, switch to GCode view - it will highlight list of lines responsible for visualized piece) 3) Multiplatform, available...

gcode interpreter esp8266
gcode interpreter esp8266

You can use gcodesender from chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gcode-sender/ngncibnakmabjlfpadjagnbdjbhoelom?hl=en and this gcode file to test firmware https://sites.google.com/site/esp12wifi/3d/test.nc If you not want modify and...

gcode decimation program
gcode decimation program

This is a program Thing that parses gcode files and comments out line segments which are too close together. Default is to make things at least 0.25mm apart but this can be changed via a command line option. Skeinview before/after images attached...

CodeThread - GCode from Processing
CodeThread - GCode from Processing

We wanted to experiment with the materiality of makerbot prints by working directly in gcode with processing, so we made this small library that provides some simple functions for generating gcode commands, and prints a gcode file. Library...

CR-10S5 Bed Level Gcode
CR-10S5 Bed Level Gcode

... AND NOZZLE TO PRINT TEMP BEFORE USING THIS TO SET PAPER GAP*** Print the squares to test your gap if you want. ... Follow CHEP's video on the Ender 3 to see how to use the gcode file. ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EfWVUJjBdA&feature=emb_logo

Refresh SD Card Gcode
Refresh SD Card Gcode

● Make sure the files on the card are saved as .gcode file extension. I have seen .STL's be put on cards before. The printer can't see those, unfortunately. You'll need to run the .STL through a slicer program, like Cura or Simplify3D first. ●...

Blender 2.5 gcode reader
Blender 2.5 gcode reader

This has been superseded by http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6236 This is a python3 script for blender 2.5 that reads gcode files and creates polylines for tool head moves. It also animates with 1 frame per layer. ...Put the script up on github for...

Ender 3 Bed Level Gcode
Ender 3 Bed Level Gcode

This is a simple gcode file to assist in bed leveling on the Creality Ender 3 printer. It has been tested on my Ender 3 Pro, but I believe it should work on other Ender 3 models, as well. You can ignore the wing nut and stub models if you...

GCode Generator with Python
GCode Generator with Python

Current version is running under **Python 2.7** ## comments are welcome :-) ## Changelog *** V0.08 - 27-10-18 new: milling a rectangle pocket V0.09 - 02-11-18 new: drilling holes in a grid V0.10 - 11-11-18 new: smooth a rectangle surface in parallel...

Gcode for bed leveling ender3 v2
Gcode for bed leveling ender3 v2

Ajout de la chauffe du plateau et de la buse au début du Gcode. ... T° bed : 60°C T° nozzle : 200°C Gcode tiré du fichier : LevelBed_CNTR_GCODE_file.gcode

Easy Load Unload filament - Gcode
Easy Load Unload filament - Gcode

——————————————————— Running these Gcode files allows you to load/unload filaments automatically, without waiting in front of your printer. These files can be improved, I'm waiting for new more powerful versions !! Especially on my Alphawise U20...